Monday, July 30, 2012

Important Questions

Shadows at Dawn: The Gathering

[Accepting!! - Remake] A small pride is on the run from death and betrayal, meanwhile a pack of wolves are trying to regain what they lost long ago.


Game Masters:

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
This is where all questions that I, or you, find especially important can be posted for others to see and understand!

"When will the roleplay start?"

As soon as we have everybody. Could be today, tomorrow, or in two days.

"We have a lot of characters. Are you looking for a co-gm?"

I have already chosen one. His tag is Dante Angelico. Please ask or refer to him if I'm not around.

"Do werekin have "in between" forms?"

No they do not. I know the reference link in the introduction says they do but truth be told it seems too magical and I want this roleplay to have as much realism as possible.

"Is it okay to make plans for the future with others, and keep it a secret?"

YEAH. Go right on ahead. Spice up the roleplay! Actually why are you telling me you have a secret with somebody else! IT'S A SECRET!! :)

"Does silver harm a werekin?"

Silver does harm 'kin'. It's only uncomfortable if it is resting on the skin and isn't on an open wound. The reason why silver bullets can kill is because it's pierces through the skin and poisons the blood. However, the reason silver is dangerous isn't because of any metallic properties. It's because everything in the world has some sort of magic property. And silver, has a moon based property. For 'kin', who already have slight moon magic...This can be fatal because it tips the balance of humanity and poisons them, causing them to die. When they die...They don't return to human form. They remain in 'kin' form if that is the form they were in when they were shot. Also, if they are shot in the animal form, or 'kin' form, then they die a lot quicker. When human, the process is slower and they have a chance to be saved. If they are shot in human form, they are poisoned and the veins begin turning a gray color. That is the only physical change when shot as a human.

"Are there people who hunt werekin?"

Yes there are such things as hunters. Usually though werekin are friends to them and assist them but the time when a hunter will hunt and kill a beast is when there is a rogue present. There are formalities between each party and the were's will usually get to have the final death rites but a hunter gets to do their job in killing the rogue, along with any help that they need. Like a tracker (Werekin who can track a scent), or etc.

"Are there set restriction on the post length?"

I post really long posts. I know this, and this is the way I like to write. As for you all, I have expectations but I'm not expecting you all to write like I do. A role-player is known by the way they write. So please hold yourself up too great expectations of commitment and greatness. Don't let yourself be known as an unexpierenced newbie whose ignorant and doesn't read others posts. Show the others what your made of! :)

"Is it okay to yell at the GM?"

Please scorn me for hours if I make a mistake. Actually. Just whip me. Cause, ya know, I make mistakes too :D

"If, and when, I post in the wrong place, would you like me to relocate the post to the right place? Or just leave it? And will you be mad at me?"

If you do happen to post in the wrong place...Which will be hard to do as there will only be one place for a major duration of the roleplay, along with some add ins along the way...I won't be mad. :) If anything I care way more about tagging the right people properly so that everybody knows where to look when they post. As long as you know you didn't do it right, and maybe posted in the ooc if anyone is confused by it...I see no reason to be mad. xD

"Oh, and the house on the info page is the house where the main wolf pack and the were-cats are going to be, right?"

Certainly! Those are the specifications. I will be giving a more detailed descriptions in the places tab when I get to working on it.

"How long have the wolves been in that area?"

Well for as long as they can remember. Ancestral ties and such. However they used to own the entire Colorado territory but now it's been split in half. After the War of Ghilles (Great War), the Central pride took the top part of the Colorado Territory. This is part of the reason why the wolves aren't too happy to see cats coming further south and that's also why the deal they will strike will be even more promising. The get the promise to get what was originally their own instead of losing more. :)

"So, If werekin do not have an in-between form, what happens on the full moon and new moon?"

Full moon is a forced shift. That's usually the night where the kin will party right before dawn before shifting and running as a pack. The new moon doesn't do much but it does cause more weakness. They don't have as much power as they did before. It's like this. Werekin possess slight moon magic in their blood so like if the moon is full, the magic is so strong it forces them to shift. When it's hidden completely, they are at their weakest.

"What season is it in the roleplay?"

Right in the middle of Summer! :D

"If you are born in wolf form, would that mean you shift to a human instead of the reverse?"

Not necessarily. This is a rare phenomena that can occasionally happen for werekin. However, it happens more often with females. With males, the chance is at least 5% less. But it's a funny joke made by parents when this happens that they are more wolf than human, referring to making them more animalistic than even werewolves.

Also, for reference purposes. Both Cain and Cyra were both in wolf form. :)

"How are we were going to start? Like, does everyone know each other already, or are we going to just play the feline clan just settling in or what?"

Okay. So the introduction posts will be taken revealing two aspects. For the felines, they reveal how they escaped, the feelings on John etc. Their posts will leave off probably right as they cross the border and a decent ways into the wolven territory.

As for the wolves. Their introductory posts will be revealing the life of the pack before the felines came along. Etc. The Alpha can be doing to Alphaly duties. Gamma's chilling around in the morning then maybe having the Alpha tell to to stop being lazy and go check the border if they have nothing else to do. The beta can lead them. I'd like if the wolves maybe left the introductions off where they either find the cats or have scented them and begin to track them.

When a werekin transitions from animal form to human, are they already clothed?

Well, as embarrassing to say as it is...No. However, not many kin are ashamed of being in front of the pack or pride or flock.

So would small items like bandages and stuff fall off or would they just kinda disappear but still be there?

Yeah, clothes transfer to the wolf form and you slip them off. So if bandages are tight enough, they won't come off. To clarify however, they might rip or something when you go back to human form. It really depends on the quality and tightness as well as how loose they are and what type.

Do pridemates, or packmates..use telepathy in their wolf or feline forms?

So pride mates and pack mates share a bond between their family (the pack or pride). They can understand each other through body language and thoughts. It isn't like telepathy but it's like they can understand the intent a pridemate/packmate has and this becomes words.

"A stupid man?s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."

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