Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Re-Charge Your Creativity - Blame It On the Muse

Ever noticed how extremely?proliferate, clever, and creative writers have equally creative and stimulating?hobbies? Most NY Times best-selling writers boast of exotic pastimes which?include fencing, martial arts, playing musical instruments, sketching/painting?to name a few. How do they do it all?

Writers, in my humble opinion,?are often creative in many areas not limited tothe written word. Look at?Stephen King and his Rock Bottom Remainders band. Members include Dave Barry,?Scott Turrow, and Greg Iles, to name a few.

Jim Butcher, author of the Dresden?Files series, is a martial arts enthusiast and really, really into Live Action?Role Playing. Then there is my all-time favorite author, C.J.Cherryh. She does?it all. Sketching, figure skating, horseback riding, photography, ancient?languages, and she plays the guitar. Whew!


This list of creative pursuits?raises questions not limited to how the heck do they find the time to fit?everything in AND write best-selling books? I?m not a NY Times best-selling?writer and can?t speak to that, but I do suspect that these ?hobbies? are
essentially tied to their creativity ? and perhaps to their success. Look how
often each creative outlet (hobby) shows up in their finished work.

Occasionally, I enjoy working in?my yard. I?m no gardener. I?m no landscaper. I admit I don?t get the urge?often, but I can?t tell you the number of times I?ve had to stop the lawnmower?and sprint inside for a pen and pad to scribble down a plot fix or an eureka
idea. Hobbies don?t have to be as extreme or lofty as fencing and martial arts.
Ask Livia Quinn who loves the open road. Put her behind the wheel, give her a
pen and scrap of paper, and voila! she?s plotted a whole new story. However,
even she will admit this is a living-on-the-edge form of creativity as it?s
rather difficult to write while keeping the car out of the ditch!

How about you? Do you find that?your ?hobbies? are integral to your writing? What do you do to increase your?word count? I invite?my fellow Musers to weigh in and tell us how their?pastimes and leisure activities influence their writing.

Source: http://blameitonthemuse.com/re-charge-your-creativity/

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