Friday, May 25, 2012

Google is killing the small business and giving them little hope to ...

Google is killing the small business and giving them little hope to compete online


Google was built by the small business. To this day, most of their profits come from the aggregate of hundreds of thousands of small businesses that have small marketing budgets. Big businesses make up about 20% of their revenue. So given this, why on earth are they favoring big businesses, and screwing the little guy when it comes to organic search traffic? How are they doing this? By penalizing small businesses when they try to compete organically with the big guys.

Google is in control of over 60% of online e-commerce transactions. If you are not ranked on the first page of Google for your primary keywords, and you are a small business, you have little chance of being successful online. Without organic rankings, it will be near impossible to be profitable. The problem is, according to Google?s webmaster guidelines, you cannot really do anything that will give you a competitive edge over anyone. You are supposed to only do what is natural. ?Build your site and your marketing campaign to the user, the rankings will come?. That is completely false, if you are a small business.

The highlighted tactic that Google ?forbids? you to do is aggressive link tactics. You see, getting inbound links from other relevant sites still account for 60-70% of Google?s algorithm (Pagerank) weight, and if you want to rank for anything, you need a robust linking profile. Simply put, without links, you don?t rank. And as I stated before, if you don?t rank, you probably are not making any money.

They claim that website owners simply need to build good content which users will like. This will be enough for people to want to link to you, which Google will pick up on. This is great in Google fantasy land but to compete with the ever growing link profiles of large companies, spending millions a year on a good PR campaign, it wouldn?t matter if you wrote a Nobel piece prize winning novel, you still wouldn?t be able to compete.

Do you agree that Google is killing small businesses and gives little hope to compete online?

As Google Tweaks Searches, Some Get Lost in the Web


Google Inc. recently tweaked the way its search engine ranks websites, seeking to downplay sites it suspects of artificially boosting their rankings. Now some small businesses say they are scrambling to avoid being relegated to the Internet's junk bin.

Among them is Andrew Strauss, the 47-year-old co-owner of San Francisco-based Oh My Dog Supplies LLC.

In the past, about 70% of his customers found his company from the results of Google searches, often for terms such as "dog beds" or "dog clothes."

Ever since Google's algorithm change at the end of last month, he says his website isn't showing up in Google rankings?at least not where most people would see it.

Traffic through Google has plunged by 96%, he says. Mr. Strauss expects his six-year-old business to generate sales of $25,000 this month, down from $68,000 in March, the month before the changes. "We're completely crippled now," he says.

Mr. Strauss thinks it's possible his site's rankings nosedived because he had paid for hundreds of inbound links in response to a traffic drop of more than 50% following one of Google's 2011 algorithm changes. He says he abandoned that strategy because it didn't work.

His business also contributes posts about dog-related topics to websites like and, with links to his site in each. Still, he doesn't believe his site should be punished for that. "It's just a regular marketing activity," Mr. Strauss says.

Google declines to divulge specifics of its search-ranking algorithm, but it discourages paid links and low-quality website links. According to Google, the recent shifts in its algorithm, known as "Penguin," will enhance the user experience and don't punish businesses that follow its guidelines.

"The Penguin algorithm update was designed to reduce Web spam, which is when websites try to get a higher search ranking than they deserve by deceiving or manipulating search engines," says Matt Cutts, a Google engineer. "In many cases, the affected sites had been spamming for a long time," Mr. Cutts adds.

Which business owner wants to risk his business or all investements he did?

It seems like Cutts never run a business in his life, and if marketing is considered spamming what else can we do?

I am still amused by all the business owner stories and the Google indifference toward us.

What's your story?

Mod note: combined the above two threadstarts with common theme.

Last edited by robjones; 05-24-2012 at 05:25 PM.

The search engine environment is a dynamic field. Just as quickly as people learn to game the system the system is changed to adjust for the gaming. I don't think that will ever change. I seriously doubt that Google can kill the guys that learn to get sites ranked. It can however devastate the lazy ones that expect to never have to learn again once they've mastered the basics as they stand at that time.

The guys that fall on their knees and scream at the sky about the unfairness every time the algorithm changes seriously need to go into another line of work.

Just my 2 cents. Been watching this happen for over a decade, and every time the algo changes the Chicken Littles blog that the sky is falling. Still hasn't happened. The resourceful find a way.


In wine there is wisdom.
In water there is bacteria.
You decide.

Last edited by robjones; 05-24-2012 at 05:29 PM.


The search engine environment is a dynamic field. Just as quickly as people learn to game the system the system is changed to adjust for the gaming. I don't think that will ever change. I seriously doubt that Google can kill the guys that learn to get sites ranked. It can however devastate the lazy ones that expect to never have to learn again once they've mastered the basics as they stand at that time.

The guys that fall on their knees and scream at the sky about the unfairness every time the algorithm changes seriously need to go into another line of work.

Just my 2 cents. Been watching this happen for over a decade, and every time the algo changes the Chicken Littles blog that the sky is falling. Still hasn't happened.

I totally disagree with you.

If you are a small business owner and you invested thousands of dollars you don't intentionally game any system or you are making a big mistake. It is more obvious if you have a thousands dollars stock.

After talking to many small business owners in the Bank of America small business forum, I don't know one lazy business owner or they are already gone. We all work 7 days a week and sometimes nights to market or work for our businesses. Perhaps you aren't a business owner so it will be just assumptions on how they run it.

Now there is a fine line where Google love to play is page rank and they can do whatever they want to brainwash webmasters.

In the google fantasy world you cannot buy links, you cannot sell links, you cannot market your own articles or your own products on your own site the way you want, because they can consider that as "spam links". Google page rank is a very good excuse to control, hit, penalize, restrict, demote, ban, or favor an industry or a specific target at will. You cannot build links too fast, you cannot change page titles too often, etc it is just BS.

For example Bing don't have page rank so it is much more simpler and smarter.

Search engine is a very dynamic field, but the two last years (not a decade) it looks like progressive annihilation on ecommerce owners like never seen before to favor brands.

Important internet players in my field generate more than 250 links on each product and it is impossible to compete if on the top of that google gives them a super mega exposure.

I have read a lot of articles about SEO, marketing, rankings, etc and 80% is garbage or repeated or spinned information. You know like me that the real SEO experts will either keep their techniques for themselves or get paid for their services. People writting about SEO or like you just did are just repeating what google says

Did you read the Google guidelines? I mean deeply?

There are only hints and you can only guess if you aren't a SEO/SEM professional.

Now google should say that their index is not for little guys it will be much more honest than leaving false hopes to online small business owners.

Last edited by Natural Elements; 05-24-2012 at 05:47 PM.

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google issues

yes its true! google favors this big entrepreneur because simply they earn a lot of money from them whereas we the small once who are we? well that's reality that goes on every day. we just have to strategies our efforts to be able to compete hopefully with these big marketers.

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Dont think so. Think of that how can you promote your business without organic search. You need a huge marketing expense to cater to your customer. WIth google search, it has become easy with negligible marketing costs

If you think that Google is being a bully towards small businesses, then simply stop giving them the power they have over you. Seriously, yes, everyone wants to rank on Google because its important/popular/etc. but you are still overlooking the fact that Google is not the only search engine out there. If you are only going to rely on one search engine, then you're dooming yourself before you even get out of the starting gate.

Many of the policies that google are against I can understand, simply because there are too many out there that are marketing really low quality products or scamming people into parting with their money, and they would do what they have to do to get that to happen (blackhatters, yes). Buying links, selling links, using pyramids, magnets, losh knows what else, simply to get ahead is wrong IMHO, and it shows me (if no one else) that your business is not built on the trust you are supposed to cultivate from your clients or prospective clients. I honestly think that when someone is running about like a headless chicken after one of Google's updates are genuinely scared because of tactics they have used that they know google is not going to like. Simple.

That being said though, Google itself is a business, just like every other online business. Everyone has a set of guidelines about how their products are used, and Google is no different.

"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams

Last edited by Dreamrage; 05-25-2012 at 12:19 AM. Reason: grammar

At this time google have complete control on search engine market because google have no competition. For this reason google screwing small business.

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Well actually i against that thought.... Google against spammers not against loyal customers...


If you think that Google is being a bully towards small businesses, then simply stop giving them the power they have over you.

What is this hypocritical concept? You like it or not Google represent 70% of the search market, how as a business owner can ignore that? Are you going to repeat like many who have ties with google the same thing? Don't you think that google and particularly Cutts use a few well known guys writting about google, seo to promote their manipulative corporate propaganda?


that your business is not built on the trust you are supposed to cultivate from your clients
You don't know my business and my market, and that is a complete assumption.


That being said though, Google itself is a business, just like every other online business. Everyone has a set of guidelines about how their products are used, and Google is no different.
Google is not a online business like any others, you put a site on internet and they scrap it, compared to my customers or visitors coming on my site to read my articles or to buy my products.

Google is not an ethical corporation, they don't respect the laws as seen in many cases around the world, just to name a few: Privacy and data protection.

Other example resulting in lawsuit like selling ads for illegal drugs, etc

Are you an online company like Google? Fortunately I am not.

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